March 29, 2025
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  7. Realism Art Movement – Characteristics

Realism Art Movement – Characteristics


How to identify Realist art?

1. Realist paintings depict the harsh, everyday reality of ordinary people from the middle and lower classes of society, for example, The Gleaners by Jean-François Millet.

The Gleaners by Jean-François Millet

2. Realism is a sympathetic portrayal of poor, urban and rural workers in bent postures, struggling with their hard, manual labor, for example, The Stone Breakers by Gustave Courbet.

The Stone Breakers by Gustave Courbet

3. The bleak paintings feature a palette of dark colors to emphasize the plight of workers. The subjects are shown serious-looking and humble – there’s never a cheerful sentiment – for example, Third Class Carriage by Honoré Daumier.

Third Class Carriage by Honoré Daumier