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  7. Baroque Art Movement Characteristics

Baroque Art Movement Characteristics

1600 – 1725

How to identify Baroque art?

1. Landscape paintings (e.g. Sunrise in a Wood by Jacob Van Ruisdael)

Sunrise in a Wood by Jacob Van Ruisdael

2. General Still Lifes (e.g. Still-Life with Fruits, Shells and Insects by Balthasar van der Ast)

Flowers in a Vase with Shells and Insects by Balthasar van der Ast

3. Still Lifes of fruit bowls (e.g. Still Life by Willem Kalf)

Still Life by Willem Kalf

4. Theatrical light i.e. the dramatic use of light and shade (chiaroscuro) where the painting appears to have a spotlight/shaft of light highlighting a portion it, e.g. The Nightwatch by Rembrandt

The Nightwatch by Rembrandt

5. Paintings show dramatic and emotional moments (e.g. moments of victory or death), e.g. Death of a Virgin by Caravaggio

Death of a Virgin by Caravaggio

6. Sacred figures and saints in biblical scenes and miracles depicted as ordinary people in every-day activities, e.g. Supper at Emmaeus by Caravaggio

Emmaeus by Caravaggio

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Zaki, Fady. "Baroque Art Movement." Identify This Art, 16 May 2011. Web. (Today’s Date).
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Zaki, F. (2011, May 16). Baroque Art Movement. Retrieved (Today’s Date), from
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Zaki, Fady. "Baroque Art Movement" Identify This Art. 16 May 2011. (accessed today’s date).
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1. Zaki, Fady, "Baroque Art Movement," Identify This Art, 16 May 2011, (accessed Today’s Date).
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