March 29, 2025
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  9. The Virgin of Chancellor Rolin by Jan Van Eyck

The Virgin of Chancellor Rolin by Jan Van Eyck

Gustave Moreau - Jupiter and Semele
The Virgin of Chancellor Rolin by Jan Van Eyck

This painting displays multiple characteristic features of Renaissance art, one of which is the geometric pattern on the floor (Renaissance feature #2 here). The 15th-century commissioner Nicolas Rolin, chancellor to Philip the Good, duke of Burgundy is hanging out with sacred figures from another era, the Virgin Mary and infant Jesus under a floating angel. The setting shows anachronistic details that biblical figures would never have seen. For example the setting is a loggia, which is an architecture that originates in medieval and Renaissance Italy before spreading to other parts of Europe. The background shows a contemporary Gothic church (obviously there were no churches during the time of Jesus!). The landscape with its snowy mountains is more likely to be Burgundy, Rolin’s hometown, than Bethlehem or Nazareth.